Friday, December 24, 2010

It's a busy time of year where we add to our work load with shopping, baking, decorating. Writing can sometimes be pushed to the back of our priority line even more than usual. Personally, I find December to be a time of reflection. The memories of past family celebrations and the wonder and hope of the season stir up my creative juices. Now, to find the time to make those computer keys start clicking with those sparks of a story is the hard part.
A great way to get my writing in motion was to attend our local SCBWI-Oklahoma Christmas party at our Regional Advisor's home. We celebrated, encouraged, dredged up memories of Christmas past, and committed to writing goals. There is no better place to find writing material than from our own experiences. The emotion can be applied to any genre.
Merry Christmas to all my writing friends and may 2011 be the year the doors open.


  1. Merry Christmas, Helen. As always, I enjoyed seeing you at the party and hearing you sing that wonderful song in your awesome voice. I am so glad I know you.

  2. Thank you, Book Woman, ;-) It is a joy to know you too. The party was wonderful wasn't it?
