Saturday, May 14, 2011

Anna Myers--Guest Author

Yesterday was one of those special days at school that will plant in my memory and make me smile when it is recalled. Anna Myers, one of Oklahoma's treasured children's authors, shared her wit, wisdom, and writing with over 700 of our sixth graders. She mesmerized us with her book talks on several of her nineteen children's novels.
"The character will be with you soon," she said. Then she turned her back, slipped into a simple shirt or shawl, and led us into the smoke of Tulsa Burning, the prisons of Time of the Witches, and backstage at Ford's theater in Assassin.
An extra special moment was when she gave writing tips to ten lucky students who entered a contest to spend "face-to-face" time with her. I said afterwards, "Who knows how those few moments of your time have changed the direction those young lives will go."
I am so thankful to call Anna a dear friend, but I'm even more thankful that she is able to share her life with students all over the country.
One sweet girl said it best when she shyly raised her hand during Anna's presentation and whispered, "I love your books."


  1. I'm so happy that the kids at your school got just a taste of our Anna! She's so inspiring.

  2. So neat that your one of your friends and "writing heros" took the time to come speak to the children at your school. You are blessed to have such a friend.

    Amy Eckhoff

  3. I brought an author to our high school every year, and Anna was our first author guest. Year three, I asked the students for suggestions. Overwhelmingly, they wanted Anna to come back.

    Sharon Martin

  4. Anna is the best. You must have had a wonderful day. I love that Anna gave writing tips to some of the students. That's such a great idea.

  5. What lucky students. They got to see the fabulous Anna for one day, and they got Helen all year!

    Anna did a presentation for my daughter's school last year and one of the boys said, "She actually made me want to read."
